Working for a Just, Compassionate, and Vibrant Community
Black Lives Matter. We are determined to use our privilege and our resources to ally ourselves with those fighting to dismantle the systems that have perpetuated racial inequity.
A Vision & Mission for Greenville
For four generations, the Jolley Foundation has worked to make Greenville County a place where all residents can thrive. We focus on continuous learning: our own, and that of the organizations with which we partner. We are risk-takers when the potential for positive social change is great. And we are committed to the conviction that poverty and discrimination can and must be tackled head-on.
What We Do
We use all our forms of capital — social, moral, intellectual, reputational, and financial — to combat the systems and social structures that strive to perpetuate social, economic, and cultural inequity.
Our Partners
We want to work with organizations that also are driven by hope and a demonstrated commitment to learning as the key to progress.